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Importing and Exporting data from Slash GraphQL

It is possible to export your data from one slash backend, and then import this data back into another Dgraph instance or Slash Backend.

Exporting Data

It is possible to export your data via a JSON format. In order to do this, call the export mutation on /admin/slash. As an example, if your graphql endpoint is, then the admin endpoint for schema will be at

Please note that this endpoint requires Authentication.

Below is a sample GraphQL body to export data to JSON.

  mutation {
    export {
      response { code message }

The signedUrls output field contains a list of URLs which can be downloaded. The URLs will expire after 48 hours.

Export will usually return 3 files:

  • g01.gql_schema.gz - The GraphQL schema file. This file can be reimported via the Schema APIs
  • g01.json.gz - the data from your instance, which can be imported via live loader
  • g01.schema.gz - This file is the internal Dgraph schema. If you have set up your backend with a GraphQL schema, then you should be able to ignore this file.

Importing data with Live Loader

It is possible to import data into a Slash GraphQL backend using live loader. In order to import data, do the following steps

  1. First import your schema into your Slash GraphQL backend, using either the Schema API or via the Schema Page.
  2. Find the gRPC endpoint for your cluster, as described in the advanced queries section. This will look like
  3. Run the live loader as follows. Do note that running this via docker requires you to use an unreleased tag (either master or v20.07-slash)
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/g01.json.gz:/tmp/g01.json.gz dgraph/dgraph:v20.07-slash \
  dgraph live --slash_grpc_endpoint=<grpc-endpoint>:443 -f /tmp/g01.json.gz -t <api-token>