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Dgraph Documentation

Welcome to the official Dgraph documentation.

Designed from the ground up to be run in production, Dgraph is the native GraphQL database with a graph backend. It is open-source, scalable, distributed, highly available and lightning fast.

Using Dgraph

Get Started with GraphQL

Slash GraphQL Provides /graphql Backend for Your App

A single page quickstart guide to get started with Dgraph

Take an interactive tour of Dgraph to learn the concepts

Get Started with Dgraph alongside a series of tutorials

A reference guide for Dgraph query language

A list of commonly used GraphQL+- query snippets

Dgraph clients in various programming languages

Running Dgraph cluster in production

Exclusive features like ACLs, binary backups, encryption at rest, and more

Frequently asked questions


Get started with contributing fixes and enhancements to Dgraph and related software.

Our Community

Dgraph is made better every day by the growing community and the contributors all over the world.

Discuss Dgraph on the official community.


Play with Freebase movie dataset with 21 million edges