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And, Or and Not

Every search filter contains and, or and not.

GraphQL’s syntax is used to write these infix style, so “a and b” is written a, and: { b }, and “a or b or c” is written a, or: { b, or: c }. Not is written prefix.

The posts that do not have “GraphQL” in the title.

queryPost(filter: { not: { title: { allofterms: "GraphQL"} } } ) { ... }

The posts that have “GraphQL” or “Dgraph” in the title.

queryPost(filter: {
    title: { allofterms: "GraphQL"},
    or: { title: { allofterms: "Dgraph" } }
  } ) { ... }

The posts that have “GraphQL” and “Dgraph” in the title.

queryPost(filter: {
    title: { allofterms: "GraphQL"},
    and: { title: { allofterms: "Dgraph" } }
  } ) { ... }

The and is implicit for a single filter object, if the fields don’t overlap. For example, above the and is required because title is in both filters, where as below, and is not required.

queryPost(filter: {
    title: { allofterms: "GraphQL" },
    datePublished: { ge: "2020-06-15" }
  } ) { ... }

The posts that have “GraphQL” in the title, or have the tag “GraphQL” and mention “Dgraph” in the title

queryPost(filter: {
    title: { allofterms: "GraphQL"},
    or: { title: { allofterms: "Dgraph" }, tags: { eg: "GraphQL" } }
  } ) { ... }