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Search and Filtering

The @search directive tells Dgraph what search to build into your GraphQL API.

When a type contains an @search directive, Dgraph constructs a search input type and a query in the GraphQL Query type. For example, if the schema contains

type Post {

then Dgraph constructs a queryPost GraphQL query for querying posts. The @search directives in the Post type control how Dgraph builds indexes and what kinds of search it builds into queryPost. If the type contains

type Post {
    datePublished: DateTime @search

then it’s possible to filter posts with a date-time search like:

query {
    queryPost(filter: { datePublished: { ge: "2020-06-15" }}) {

If the type tells Dgraph to build search capability based on a term (word) index for the title field

type Post {
    title: String @search(by: [term])

then, the generated GraphQL API will allow search by terms in the title.

query {
    queryPost(filter: { title: { anyofterms: "GraphQL" }}) {

Dgraph also builds search into the fields of each type, so searching is available at deep levels in a query. For example, if the schema contained these types

type Post {
    title: String @search(by: [term])

type Author {
    name: String @search(by: [hash])
    posts: [Post]

then Dgraph builds GraphQL search such that a query can, for example, find an author by name (from the hash search on name) and return only their posts that contain the term “GraphQL”.

queryAuthor(filter: { name: { eq: "Diggy" } } ) {
    posts(filter: { title: { anyofterms: "GraphQL" }}) {

There’s different search possible for each type as explained below.

Int, Float and DateTime

argument constructed filter
none lt, le, eq, ge and gt

Search for fields of types Int, Float and DateTime is enabled by adding @search to the field with no arguments. For example, if a schema contains:

type Post {
    numLikes: Int @search

Dgraph generates search into the API for numLikes in two ways: a query for posts and field search on any post list.

A field queryPost is added to the Query type of the schema.

type Query {
    queryPost(filter: PostFilter, order: PostOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Post]

PostFilter will contain less than lt, less than or equal to le, equal eq, greater than or equal to ge and greater than gt search on numLikes. Allowing for example:

query {
    queryPost(filter: { numLikes: { gt: 50 }}) { 

Also, any field with a type of list of posts has search options added to it. For example, if the input schema also contained:

type Author {
    posts: [Post]

Dgraph would insert search into posts, with

type Author {
    posts(filter: PostFilter, order: PostOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Post]

That allows search within the GraphQL query. For example, to find Diggy’s posts with more than 50 likes.

queryAuthor(filter: { name: { eq: "Diggy" } } ) {
    posts(filter: { numLikes: { gt: 50 }}) {


argument constructed filters
year, month, day, or hour lt, le, eq, ge and gt

As well as @search with no arguments, DateTime also allows specifying how the search index should be built: by year, month, day or hour. @search defaults to year, but once you understand your data and query patterns, you might want to changes that like @search(by: [day]).


argument constructed filter
none true and false

Booleans can only be tested for true or false. If isPublished: Boolean @search is in the schema, then the search allows

filter: { isPublished: true }


filter: { isPublished: false }


Strings allow a wider variety of search options than other types. For strings, you have the following options as arguments to @search.

argument constructed searches
hash eq
exact lt, le, eq, ge and gt (lexicographically)
regexp regexp (regular expressions)
term allofterms and anyofterms
fulltext alloftext and anyoftext
  • Schema rule: hash and exact can’t be used together.

Exact and hash search has the standard lexicographic meaning.

query {
    queryAuthor(filter: { name: { eq: "Diggy" } }) { ... }

And for exact search

query {
    queryAuthor(filter: { name: { gt: "Diggy" } }) { ... }

to find users with names lexicographically after “Diggy”.

Search by regular expression requires bracketing the expression with / and /. For example, query for “Diggy” and anyone else with “iggy” in their name:

query {
    queryAuthor(filter: { name: { regexp: "/.*iggy.*/" } }) { ... }

If the schema has

type Post {
    title: String @search(by: [term])
    text: String @search(by: [fulltext])


query {
    queryPost(filter: { title: { `allofterms: "GraphQL tutorial"` } } ) { ... }

will match all posts with both “GraphQL and “tutorial” in the title, while anyofterms: "GraphQL tutorial" would match posts with either “GraphQL” or “tutorial”.

fulltext search is Google-stye text search with stop words, stemming. etc. So alloftext: "run woman" would match “run” as well as “running”, etc. For example, to find posts that talk about fantastic GraphQL tutorials:

query {
    queryPost(filter: { title: { `alloftext: "fantastic GraphQL tutorials"` } } ) { ... }

Strings with multiple searches

It’s possible to add multiple string indexes to a field. For example to search for authors by eq and regular expressions, add both options to the type definition, as follows.

type Author {
    name: String! @search(by: [hash, regexp])


argument constructed searches
none eq
hash eq
exact lt, le, eq, ge and gt (lexicographically)
regexp regexp (regular expressions)

Enums are serialized in Dgraph as strings. @search with no arguments is the same as @search(by: [hash]) and provides only eq search. Also available for enums are exact and regexp. For hash and exact search on enums, the literal enum value, without quotes "...", is used, for regexp, strings are required. For example:

enum Tag {

type Post {
    tags: [Tag!]! @search

would allow

query {
    queryPost(filter: { tags: { eq: GraphQL } } ) { ... }

Which would find any post with the GraphQL tag.

While @search(by: [exact, regexp] would also admit lt etc. and

query {
    queryPost(filter: { tags: { regexp: "/.*aph.*/" } } ) { ... }

which is helpful for example if the enums are something like product codes where regular expressions can match a number of values.